I Can't Believe What I Did This Tme


I have been joking with my coworkers that this perimenopause thing has been turning me into an an idiot. I've always laughed at women who lose their glasses while wearing them,  Now, I've found myself in the same lost boat. What, you may ask, caused this admission? A few days ago, I noticed a strange smell in my car. It wasn't a bad smell, just odd. My car smelled like a delicious Italian dinner. I assumed that since I eat on the go with my job, that I had thrown some leftovers in my backseat. For the next two days, the smell evolved into a rotting Italian dinner. Imagine boiling cabbage with a slight skunk smell. On Friday, I needed to pick up someone in my church for a ladies' retreat, so I decided it was time to clean my car. I couldn't have her holding her breath for an hour. My mother asked if I had checked my trunk, to which I responded nothing would be in my trunk. I cleaned the backseat to find nothing, except a few empty food wrappers. As I put an umbrella in my trunk, I noticed a box pushed into the back of my trunk. I pulled it out, feeling a slightly cool exterior. It was a frozen lasagna! I had bought one and forgotten it when it had gotten pushed to the back of my trunk. It had stayed cold until we had a warm stretch. That's when it started cooking in my trunk; thus, the lovely Italian dinner. That is until the heat continued and made it start to rot. So here is my point. Your environment  matters. When you surround yourself with negative things, it changes you. You begin to spiritually rot. However, it's a slow heat. At first, you find pleasure in the negative things, like the tasty smell of my lasagna. But later, you begin to notice the negative affect. At this point, spiritual rot has set in. How do you stop it, you ask? Be aware. When you feel the heat turning up, turn to God. Change the environment! I've also got a great recipe for trunk-baked lasagna!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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