Doggy Hospice Continues


Those close to us know that our Weimaraner of many years has terminal cancer. I've had people ask how he is doing. He is still moving around, cuddling, and consuming all the yummy treats he can in his doggy hospice. You see, eight months ago, we took him to the veterinarian. She told us to prepare because he would only make it a week, three weeks at best. I prayed over my dog because he truly has been a Godsend to me. On the day we had to put our Golden retriever down with cancer, Zeus wandered onto a friend's property after being abandoned by his owner. My husband had always mentioned his dream dog was a Weimaraner, and there was the exact dog the day we lost a pet. My oldest was going off to college, and I was preparing to let my first child fly the nest. My oldest was at his friend's house when we heard about this dog that had been abandoned. We visited the family to check out the dog. My oldest stood next to it in matching brown clothing. Both looked at me with pleading eyes that I keep him. I couldn't resist, and Zeus became an instant part of the family. Now, after many years, my oldest is back home, and my sweet friend who comforted me through much is slowly fading. Before you feel too down, I need to tell you that the veterinarian's three week diagnosis has stretched to eight months. He still has cancer and is going to pass, but the last eight months has been some of the most precious times with him. My point: God cares about even the little things in your life. When your heart hurts, so does His. Don't be afraid to bring all of your worries to him to Him because He truly cares for you!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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