Sensational Story


Have you noticed how the news always goes for sensational headlines to get your attention? Let me tell you a story for Mother's Day with a sensational headlines. Mom Puts Dead Son in Bed and Refuses to Bury Him. In 2nd Kings 4:8-37, Elisha, a prophet of God, is traveling around the town of Shunem, between Samaria and Carmel. A wealthy Shunammite woman made the decision to follow God, so whenever Elisha came into town, she would feed him and put him up for the night. She even gave him his own room and bed in her home. She had no son and her husband was old, so Elisha returned her kindness by blessing her. Having a son gave the woman a future when her husband died, since a woman couldn't work during that time. She conceived and had a son. One day, as her son and husband were working in a field, he mentioned his head hurting. He was taken to his mother where he became lifeless and died. In that time period, a person who died would immediately be prepared for burial, but instead, his mother had her son put in Elisha's bed. Notice when problems came, she went straight to God and put her son in the hands of God. She proceeded to tell everyone all was well. She went to Elisha and asked him to come to her son, and he would be well. At first, Elisha said he would send his assistant to touch the boy's face with his staff, but the mother refused to leave until Elisha went. If he did, all would be well. He complied. At reaching her house, after the assistant put the staff on his face and nothing happened, Elisha went in and prayed. The boy didn't immediately come back to life. It took two times that Elisha prayed before the boy was fully healed. Can you imagine the mother's anguish to receive the blessing of a son, only to lose him. In the midst of her storm, she trusted God that all would be well. Whatever you are going through, trust God that His plan is greater than ours and with God, all is well.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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