When Life Gives You Poo


If you aren't aware, I am a special education teacher for preschoolers. I serve children with special needs in many preschools covering at least three counties, so I see some interesting things. I served one sweety that had a lot of physical limitations. As she was climbing a playground set, I hovered, worrying she would fall. I told her to be careful, or she could fall. She replied and I quote, " I get knocked down but I get up again. You're never gonna get me down!" Yes, she quoted Chumbawamba. It inspired me to keep on going. Not long after that, I played with several students on a playground filled with recycled tire mulch. I chased, ran, and worked on social emotional/ language goals through play. It was a typical day until I got in my car. I smelled the most horrendous smell. I have raised four children, so I quickly recognized the smell- human poo! It has a different smell from animal poo. I drove to the nearest gas station, making sure to touch my foot to the pedal as little as possible. One I arrived, I jumped out of my car to inspect my shoe. The whole front bottom of my shoe was filled with squished poo! I can only think that a little one decided they couldn't wait for the bathroom, so they potties and covered it in mulch. There was way too much to be a kitty. I limped to the bathroom, checked for empty stalls, and prayed no one would enter the bathroom for the next ten minutes. Off went my shoe. I put it sole-up under the soap dispenser and pumped as much soap as I could on my shoe. These were Hokas that are notorious for lots of crevices. I grabbed handfuls of paper towels and scrubbed for the next ten minutes. I left with a clean, but very wet right foot. My point is this. Life will throw poo moments at you. We live in a broken world. You can focus on the poo, or like my little one, you can choose to get up again. God never promised an easy life. He promised He would be with us when it's hard. So, when life gives you poo, let God clean you up, then get up again!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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