Divine Appointments

 I believe that God orchestrates situations. We saw God move in amazing opportunities while my daughter visited Thailand on a mission's trip. We also saw God move tonight. We had our church go door-to-door connecting with people in our community. What I found was that people are desperately wanting genuine connection to people. In a world where everyone views everything through a screen or filter, it's hard to feel a genuine connection to others. I remember growing up in a rural setting where my parents would take us on visitations on Sunday afternoon. You would load up in the car and just visit people, whether it was church members or your neighbors. Today, we often don't even exchange more than a couple of words a year with our neighbors. This lack of connection has created an environment of loneliness, cynnicalness, and depression. As we knocked on doors and asked if people needed prayer for anything, often, they did. There was a shock that we asked. One particular woman said she was struggling with depression and that we came right when she needed it. She said that we were an answer to prayer. My question is are you being an answer to someone's prayer? Have you taken the time to look someone in the eyes and genuinely ask if they were okay? Not the insincere asking while walking past them without even making eye contact, but stopping what you're doing and giving them your full attention. Ask God for divine opportunities and then take the time to talk to people, and you'll see God do some amazing things.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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