The Importance of Gathering Together From the View of an Introvert


We had a shrimp boil this weekend. Anyone who knows me understands that I could spend days shut away in my house with a good book and my dog. As an introvert, I charge my internal battery that way. Quiet gives me energy and happiness. My husband, on the other hand, is an extrovert. His batteries are charged being around people. When we don't take time to charge our internal batteries,we become drained and moody. However, when not careful, we can spend too much time charging and find a whole new set of problems. Too much time alone for an introvert can lead to depression and social anxiety. Too much group time for an extrovert can lead to tiredness, struggles with developing deep personal relationships, and a struggle with quiet time with God. Balance is the key. So for an introvert, why do we need to gather with others? Even though you may think that you're most happy alone, there is a deep need in all of us to connect to others. So even though you don't want to go to that social function or party, you actually find yourself enjoying it after a while. I think every introvert needs an extrovert to drag them out of their house and their comfort zone. My husband is mine. I've created all kinds of excuses to get out of things, but he continues to pull me out of my comfort zone and into fun adventures. Introverts tend to also be reflective and sometimes negative. Being around others encourages us and allows to see the positive sides of things. It gets us out of our own heads and focused on others. It's hard to stay negative when you focus on helping others around you. Lastly, we need the Vitamin D from the sunshine. Too much time shut in your house depletes you of the vitamins that allows you to feel energetic and happy. So my advice for all of you introverts is a simple Bible verse.  

Hebrews 10:25 ESV not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors and enjoy a little sunshine!


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