Finding Your Purpose

 I want to thank everyone for the well-wishes this past week. If you didn't see my post, I had to put my dog down due to cancer. Some may say that he's just a dog, but there is this thing that happens with women when their children leave the nest. They begin the struggle to find purpose. I've spent over twenty-something years caring for these tiny human beings that eat my food, leave little dirty handprints on my white clothing, and snuggle late at night. Everything is tinged with the reflection of motherhood. When these tiny humans leave the home, the reflection of motherhood is still there, but the recipient is not. For some, grandparenting fills the gap, but for others, there is a gap between lavishing love on grandchildren and the empty nest. I had stumbled into that gap when this goofy, long-legged canine crossed my path. As my goofy, long-legged oldest son went off to college, the canine stepped in. All of my other babies grew up and went in different directions, but the fur-baby still sat by my side with adoring eyes. Why do women hyper-focus on a dog when they reach the empty nest? Because the need to mother still exists, and I think God gives us those sweet babies to fill the void. Here's the real kicker. God, Himself, fills that void in your life. When it feels like you have no purpose anymore, He steps in and gives you a fresh purpose. For me, He also gave me a physical comfort that I could cuddle. I'm so thankful that God never leaves us alone. He proved it in the form of a sweet, furry firm if love.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors.


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