I Don't Want to Grow Up


I know I'm going to date myself, but do you remember the old theme song for Toyz R Us? It went a little something like this, "I don't want to grow up. I'm a Toyz R Us kid..." As a kid, the meaning never really registered. The other day, I watched a video on Facebook. A little, maybe four or five-year-old, girl began to cry. Her mother asked what was wrong and she stated that she was upset because she didn't want to become an adult. It was hard. She said she wanted to go back to being a baby when she had no worries. Everyone fed her and took care of her needs. It was easy. I had never related to a five -year-old as much as at that moment. When you're a child, your biggest fears are monsters and time-outs. Then I began to think about adulthood. It really doesn't change that much. For most adults, the greatest fears are dealing with the monsters of this world and fear of being alone- separated from our loved ones. Don't get me wrong. As an introvert, I like the quiet of my home, but I long for companionship. Why? Because God made us that way. We were created to walk in the Garden of Eden with God, talking to our Creator. The longing is still in all of us- to be loved, accepted, and safe. God is the one who put it there because He is the only one who can completely fill that need. The other fear was of the monsters of this world. The only difference is that the monsters take different forms. They're no longer the furry big-tooth monster. The monsters become fear of someone hurting us, depression, and anxiety. What took care of the monsters as a child? Mom would turn on a light and the shadows disappeared. What would happen if we shined some of the light of God on our fear by using the Word of God? Darkness is the absence of light. When the light comes, darkness disappears. So when that fear appears, we can flip the light on, remembering that God doesn't give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. With God, we are safe. I may have no choice but to grow up; however,  I don't need to have the same fears any longer.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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