If Life Were a Musical


I'm always a fan of a good musical, as long as it has a decent plot and good songs. One of the musicals that always made me laugh was Enchanted. It's the moment when fantasy meets reality, and life becomes a musical. As we cleaned up church after a potluck, I started dancing and singing about putting away salt and pepper shakers. That's when several of us laughed and said that it's always more fun when you make life a musical. What would your theme song be if your life was a musical? Would the theme be chaos, hurt, or sadness? Would your life be full of joy and laughter? Here's the wonderful thing. You get to write the music! Sometimes I find myself dwelling on things that do nothing but make me anxious and stressed. This is where I rewrite the melody going through my head. There's actually something Biblical about this. 

Philippians 4:Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

It is simply rewriting the dialogue in your head with a better musical composition. Don't want anxiety? Think on the goodness of God. Focus on helping others. Rewrite your musical! 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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