Feeling Mislabeled?


In the midst of school beginning, illness in the family, and the busyness of life in general, my sons and I found a moment to sneak out of the house and do a little grocery shopping. It took me a few days to work up the nerve to visit Walmart. I felt like I was maneuvering a bus through a third world country as I desperately tried to squeeze my shopping cart passed crowded aisles and  shopping scooters. I wouldn't have attempted that place, except for the fact they carried a sensory toy I knew one of my students would love. After loading the cart, almost being rammed by a guy who, unbeknownst to me, was racing me to a check-out line, and praying for strength, I arrived at the check-out line. At this point, my eyes were drawn to the gum section of the conveyor belt. Nestled among the mint and fruity flavors was a gum I could have totally used at that moment- Tylenol gum. For those getting excited about this, there is no such thing as Tylenol gum. Someone had shoved a travel pack of Tylenol into a gum box. The labeling did not match the product. Isn't that what Satan does to us? He mislabels you. He says you are worthless, when in truth, God says you are priceless. He says you're a failure, but God says you're more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. He says you're alone, but God says He will never leave you or forsake you. When those labels run through your head, remember you may be sitting in the wrong box. Change boxes. Stop thinking that you belong with that label. Remember where and who you belong to. You were made by God, so His is the only label that matters!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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