Why You Are in the Best Position to be a Missionary

 We had a missionary to Africa visit our church this morning. Some people snooze when missionaries speak of their callings, but my husband and I always love missionaries because we were missionaries for quite a few years before we became pastors. Some may not realize that missionaries within our denomination are required to raise a monthly budget in order to remain in the location they are working. Some denominations provide a budget for their missionaries. Either way, there is preparation made to pave the way for a missionary to move to their place of calling. They may need to learn the language of the people in their location or get a job to provide the opportunity to meet people. You may ask why I am talking about missionaries. In the Great Commission, before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He told those gathered that everyone is called to be a missionary. (Matthew 28:16-20) A missionary is someone who is sent to tell others about something. Our mission is to tell others there is hope in a hopeless world, light in the darkness, and peace in chaos, but it only comes from the Prince of Peace- Jesus. Here was my revelation this morning of why you make the perfect missionary where you are currently located. 1) Your budget is already  fully raised. You are already making a living where you are. 2) You already have a job or place to reach your community whether you are an employee, student, or teacher. 3) You already speak the language. 4) Jesus said He would return when everyone hears the Good News of His love. I don't know about you, but as this world gets crazier and darker, I look forward to His return. So let's make that happen by being faithful as the missionaries God has called us to be right where we are!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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