Did I Do That?


I may show my age, but does anyone remember the famous phrase spoken by Steve Urkel on the television show, Family Matters? Anytime he did something dumb, he would reply, "Did I do that?" I've noticed there have been many Urkel moments in my life. There was trying to shave my eyebrows using a sweater shaver at 16 years old. By the way, you can't use a sweater shaver. It sucks the sweater balls into the shaver and cuts them off, so guess what happens to the skin on your eyebrows. If you guessed that it cuts it off, you would be correct. My tenth grade school photo is proof. Recently, I had another moment. While at work, I was very busy typing when I noticed my lips were dry, so I grabbed a little pot of lip balm. As I smeared it on, I noticed it felt weird. That's when I read the label. I had smeared hand salve all over my lips. Let's just say it does not taste good or feel great. It got me thinking about our decisions. When we don't think through our decisions, we sometimes find ourselves with regrets. I asked my church's young adult group what would happen if we put Jesus in all of our small decisions. If you don't put Him in the small decisions, how much harder will it be in the big decisions? So my challenge to you is to use care when making decisions. Let God be in the center of the small as well as the big decisions, and you'll find yourself with a lot less regrets.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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