Don't Yuck My Yum


Tonight we had the opportunity to join other churches in worship. It was fun to watch how so many people from different backgrounds come together to praise God. Some are quiet and sit. Others stand and raise their hands, while others call out to God. It reminds me of a football game. I was never super interested in football. I attended every game because I was a band nerd, but I never watched the game much. I was a people watcher. Some were quiet and reserved. Some jumped up and down and raised their hands in excitement, while others shouted out their excitement. Sound familiar? We never think anything about people getting excited for a game, but we get critical if it crosses into church. In preschool circles, there is a phrase, "Don't yuck my yum." It just means that just because it isn't to your taste doesn't mean everyone should feel the same. I don't like beef liver, but my husband loves it. Just because I think it's nasty doesn't make it so for him. When we get to Heaven one day and all of us finally see the complete picture of what Christ has done for us, we will all be praising God. The Bible mentions laying on our faces before God. So my point is this. Let's start practicing for Heaven. Let's start joining together in worship without yucking anyone's praise. After all, when you come face-to-face with the Creator of the Universe, does it really matter who's standing and who's sitting? 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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