Finding Beauty in the Mundane


I was able to go on an annual trip for professional development. I always enjoy the getaway from the craziness of life in general. While staying at a hotel, I discovered a fun sight. The toilet paper rolls had flower designs woven in the roll. The Kleenex had fan designs, and the towels were shaped into designs. I felt like I had stepped onto a cruise ship, minus the sea sickness. As I looked at the designs, I thought how amazing it was to create beauty and creativity in the most mundane of media. What if we did this with the everyday moments of our life? What if we found joy in matching socks and turning them right-side out? Instead of being annoyed at matching tons of socks, I found beauty in the task by praying that the steps of my family were ordered by God. In gathering used dishes scattered through my house and under couches, I found gratefulness that God provided daily bread for my family. In traffic and chauffeuring family, I found blessing knowing God provided transportation. What if we saw the beauty, blessing, and gratitude in our daily lives? Wouldn't the world be so much more beautiful?

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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