How to Share Your Faith In a World of No Contact


This weekend, I had the great opportunity to participate in a girl's retreat. As I led the Bible study with the older girls, we discussed what they felt was the hardest part of walking the Christian walk. They all agreed that sharing their faith was difficult, especially in today's world. There is a huge problem in our world with connecting to others. There is an anxiety and fear that others will reject us if they don't like what we say or do.  Because of this, most avoid connecting if it involves face-to-face contact. This includes sharing our faith. To help with this fear, I gave the girls some inventive ways to share there faith for introverts. I'll share them in case you want to use some of these. Here they are: 1) Write a positive scripture and the phrase, "God sees you and loves you " on some paper with however much money you feel led to give. I told the girls to use a dollar or two. Write for you on the outside of the envelope. Put it in an envelope and stick it on a shelf in a gas station or grocery store.  2) Paint some rocks with scriptures about God's love or phrases and hide them in public places. 3) Buy a shirt on Amazon that says, "You matter."  on the front and on the back, "To the person standing behind me, you matter. You're important, . .." I had a delivery man in a gas station line thank me for the shirt. He needed it that day. 4) Put a scripture or God statement about His love on paper, fold it, and put it in a baggy with some change and tape it to a vending machine.

These are a few ideas. Also, don't be afraid to just show love and kindness to people, no matter how they act. It witnesses of God's love greater than anything. No one can argue your testimony. What God has done in your life is fact. Share it! I hope these tips help to spread the Word of God's goodness.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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