Music to my Ears

 I received the best gift this week. My coworkers gave me a beautiful set of wind chimes in condolence for my father-in-law's passing.  Everyone in my office know that plants that enter my care die very quickly. It's almost like they see me coming and wilt in defeat (or maybe my forgetting to water them). The wind chimes were a perfect gift for my new porch. As I sat on my porch swing and the wind swirled through the chimes, beautiful music began to fill the air. Isn't it amazing that ordinary pieces of metal, when cut and aligned correctly, can make such beautiful music? Isn't that like our lives? God creates us and orchestrates our lives to create a beautiful melody of worship to Him when He flows through us. Each circumstance and difficulty shapes us and our worship to reflect His faithfulness and goodness. I think of the worship song, Reason to Praise, that reminds us that whatever happens, God is still on His throne. So whatever I'm feeling, I still have a reason to praise!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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