Pay Attention

I am a lover of gadgets. It's a joke among my family that I can't pass up an "As Seen on TV" aisle in a store. One of the my recent purchases was a miniature food processor that fits in your hand. It's cordless and charges by a USB cord. I was hooked when I saw it. Earlier this evening, I excitedly unwrapped the processor and proceeded to attach the blade apparatus to the top. I assumed their would be some kind of safety mechanism that would keep it from turning on until secure. I assumed wrong. As I pushed the blades on, it became to twirl, sliced across my finger. Things I learned. 1) The blades are sharp. 2) This gadget really works. 3) Pay attention to what's going on around me because I may miss something important due to lack of attention. My kids attended a young adult conference in December focused on missions. During the conference, they were taught an amazing song based on John 4:35.

John 4: 35 ESV Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.

The song is called, Missionary Anthem. It focuses on the field being white for the harvest. This scripture is often misinterpreted. As I researched the meaning of fields white for harvest, it mentioned white being an early harvest. Golden wheat is ready for harvest. The scripture refers to people who are ready to serve Jesus if they only hear about Him. Here's the cool part. We are being told to pay attention to the lost around us. They are white. It means they are almost ready so if we pay attention, we will be in the right place at the right time, we can help reap the harvest. Time is moving quick, we don't want to be so unobservant that we miss important details that God is showing us, only to see the harvest over-ripen and rot because we weren't there. I challenge you to listen to the song. Here's the link to the one my family did for service this morning.        

Pay attention the harvest is white!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors.


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