Are You Prepared?
In this day and age, people need to be prepared for anything. There's preparedness for sno, ice, floods, fire, storms, viruses, food and supply shortages, etc. Everyone is preparing. There's reels about the value of eggs escalating due to shortages from flock death as a result of viruses. I've seen people that have no clue about farming prepare for future shortages by raising their own chickens. I've seen people stock-piling food to prepare for the possibility of food shortages. I've seen people buying ice melt and scrapers to prepare for snow and ice. We automatically feel the need to prepare for the inevitable. Don't believe me? Take a look at the store shelves before a snowstorm. There is a noticeable absence of bread and milk. We want to make sure we have enough to make it through tough times. Do we do this spiritually? I noticed someone commenting on the fact that he was aging and death was inevitable. Are you preparing for that inevitability? It's great that we live a full life here on Earth. But ignoring the fact that our time is short compared to the eternity waiting for us after this life is like watching the shelves empty of toilet paper but doing nothing to stock your own shelves. Are you preparing for what is to come? I've heard people mentioning how much the news and our world reflects Revelations. Some are saying they aren't sure they are ready if Christ were to return. First, let me quote a scripture. Matthew 24:36 ESV But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. We don't know when Christ will return. Only God knows; although, there are certainly signs that tell us to prepare. However, whether Jesus returns in our time, or we die first, we are guaranteed to meet God. I've seen my daughter's young college friend die at 20 and an elderly friend die at 82. We don't know when we will meet Jesus, but we will meet Him. So what have you done to prepare? Have you asked to be a child of God and given Him influence on your life? Have you bowed your knee to serve Jesus? Are you pursuing Jesus like you do your hobbies or love interests. I challenge you to not just focus on disaster preparation. Focus on spiritual preparation because it is inevitable.
Have a great week high-heeled warriors!
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