
Showing posts from November, 2017

I Can't Get No Satisfaction (Black Friday Shopping and Jesus)

I was very thankful to get the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with my parents.  They are entering their mid-seventies, but are still very active.  My mother was proud to tell me that she completely pulled out the floor in her guest bedroom, rebuilt floor joists, and put down flooring.  When I asked her why she didn't ask me or my brother for help, she said she wanted to prove that she could still do it.  So after seeing this side of my mother, I was sure that Black Friday shopping would be a piece of cake.  I was wrong.  Last Christmas, my mother woke me up before the crack of dawn to stand in the freezing cold and face Walmart fifty percent off Christmas items sale.  After waiting an hour, facing the high chance of a stampede of little old ladies with shopping carts, and running through half the store, I made it back to the Christmas section in time to see my mother put five or six boxes of Christmas ziploc baggies in her cart and proceed to tell me she had finished shopping

Thankful For Catnaps

I think the picture of my cat sums up my week.  Have you ever felt like you were just drifting through trying to catch a little rest somewhere?  My son has been in a basketball tournament all week, so between supporting him, trying to make it through piles of never-ending laundry, working on my new instrument (not telling what it is yet!), and preparing food for our church's Thanksgiving potluck and youth bake sale, I've felt a little worn down.  My husband and I entertained our church with our superior acting skills (we had to read from our scripts).  We portrayed a couple that was gathering around the table for Thanksgiving.  The wife seemed to focus on everything she didn't have.  The turkey was dry, plates and silverware not good enough, and the pie overcooked.  Meanwhile, the husband was trying to give thanks in prayer with his wife complaining the whole time.  It was a fun part to play, but made me think about how I go to God in prayer.  At the end of the basketball

I Sound Like a Screaming Cat!

This week was supposed to be the start of my next challenge.  "Piece of cake,"  I thought.  But then life happened.  We had a series of ball games, homework, laundry, cooking dinner, church, and a bunch of other things that seem to jump in front of my good intentions of picking an instrument.  Every time I would decide that tonight would be the night, something came up.  Isn't that how life is?  We make a decision to do something, and then a million things get in the way of the plans you make.  Before I knew it, it was Saturday.  I started my day doing laundry, visiting a shut-in and helping my daughters clean her house, attending a Veteran's event where my daughter sang (Thank you veterans for your service!), attending a basketball tournament to cheer on my son, coming back to my house where I gathered and prepared for Sunday's worship service.  When I finally finished everything else, it was ten o'clock at night.  Grrrr.  Now was the time.  I sc

Blue Lights In My Review Mirror and The Big Reveal

I had something happen to me this week that brings dread into every driver.  I passed a police officer coming back from one of my stops at my job.  I didn't think anything of it because I was going the speed limit.  And then the horrible happened, I saw blue lights in my rear view mirror.  Why is it that you are never close to somewhere to pull over when the lights come on?  I had to wait for the light to change for the cars in front of me to move.  So I'm sitting in line at the light with a police car, lights flashing, behind me.  When the light changed and I came upon a side road, I pulled off.  The problem was that the car in front of me thought the police car was for him.  Hmmm. Feeling guilty?  He pulls over on the only spot I could have pulled over, so I had to pass that car and pull into a used car lot's parking lot.  Two guys were detailing cars, so I'm sure I entertained them.  The police officer comes up and asks if it is my car.  I, of course, say yes.  The