Mom, This Is Soooo Embarrassing!!

When you hear the word "embarrassed" everyone has some moment that pops into their mind. For me, I think of being trapped in a Walmart bathroom. Now, keep in mind that I was only five, the bathroom was a one-stall bathroom with a bolt lock, and about thirty people were extremely concerned to hear a little girl was trapped in a bathroom. I didn't want to go to the bathroom alone for the next three years. But that was nothing compared to my teenage years. My mother worked a factory job and didn't get off work until around 4 pm. I had a choice to ride a bus on a route that involved a long dirt road for about an hour or wait for my mom to get off work and pick me up. I chose being picked up. My parents didn't have a lot of money, and my dad commuted about an hour each day one way to get to work. This left my parents buying an old car for her to use. I remember that I could see the car coming in the distance. Smoke wou...