Not Your Ordinary Bird!

You may be thinking, "What does a bird have to do with this week's blog?" This past week has been Spring Break! Can I get an amen from all teachers out there? I had such great plans for my spring break. I planned to rise early, clean out numerous spaces in my house that needed to be cleaned, and catch up on everything that I had piled to the side during my normal work week. "So how did it go?" you may ask. My rising early went a little later than early. Hmmmm. Okay, it was closer to ten o'clock. I managed to half-clean my bedroom. What I did accomplish was to binge watch an entire season of a television show on Netflix. I also read three books. So as I face the dawning of a new work week, I've felt a little bit like a failure. I wanted to be extraordinary in my accomplishments this week, but instead, I was dismally unaccomplished. This brings me to the starling. "What is a starling?", you may ask...