What Ifs...Stepping Past Fear to What Could Be

For those wanting updates on my daughter, she is recovering well. She has returned to work and is starting to get back into the swing of her old life. Her memory is definitely effected, but we are finding ways to overcome this obstacle. Before starting back to work, she was really fighting anxiety. What if I mess up? What if I can't do stuff I used to do? One of the things my husband and I try to build in our children is resilience. Resilience means the ability to overcome hard times. So many times, we quit or refuse to try because we may face an obstacle. I've told my children that you can't live your life in fear. What if I can't? What if it won't work? If you live this mentality, you will never do anything with your life. God was a God of action. He spoke things into existence. He created things that we still haven't discovered. This God created us. We can chose to live in our man-...