
Showing posts from July, 2018

What Ifs...Stepping Past Fear to What Could Be

For those wanting updates on my daughter, she is recovering well.  She has returned to work and is starting to get back into the swing of her old life.  Her memory is definitely effected, but we are finding ways to overcome this obstacle.  Before starting back to work, she was really fighting anxiety.  What if I mess up?  What if I can't do stuff I used to do?  One of the things my husband and I try to build in our children is resilience.  Resilience means the ability to overcome hard times.  So many times, we quit or refuse to try because we may face an obstacle.  I've told my children that you can't live your life in fear.  What if I can't?  What if it won't work?  If you live this mentality, you will never do anything with your life.  God was a God of action.  He spoke things into existence.  He created things that we still haven't discovered.  This God created us.  We can chose to live in our man-made boundaries or believe that the God of the impossible ca

First Weekend Home From College...Flooded Bathroom and Minor Injuries in the Kitchen

The day for which I  had been waiting for weeks had finally arrived!  My son had come home to visit after a couple of weeks at college.  I would like to think he was visiting because he missed his family desperately, but I'm a realist.  He needed laundry done for cheap (free), his new laptop, and his dad's electric guitar and pedals.  My husband joked that he was there to visit his stuff, not him.  In all seriousness, he heard about our massive flood in our downstairs bathroom.  A tiny bolt in the upstairs shower wall cracked and a waterfall was formed from the downstairs bathroom's ceiling.  Now I get to remodel that bathroom for a second time (past flood of the toasted water heater).  Trenton wanted to help tear down stuff if necessary.  I didn't care why he was here.  I was excited to see him, so what does a mom do to welcome her child?  She makes a spectacular dinner.  I'm a teacher and off for the summer with the end of summer looming.  This means that I hav

Baggage...Going to Camp (Do You Have Unwanted Baggage?)

This has been a very busy summer.  Between Megan's hospitalization and brain surgery, sending my oldest off to college, and sending my other children to church camp, it seems that we have spent most of the summer packing.  My daughter packed for camp by herself.  When I saw the massive suitcase and other various bags, I had no doubt that she would be lacking in anything.  However, my youngest son is going to camp tomorrow.  This is the child that requires me to go through luggage.  He told me that he had packed for himself.  You may think this is not a problem, but in the past, this meant that he would show up at camp with 8 shirts, 2 pairs of socks, flip flops, and 1 pair of underwear.  Amazingly, when he returned that pair of underwear would still be safely tucked in his suitcase as fresh as a daisy.  Therefore, I double-check his packing.  After digging through multiple bags of Werther's Original caramels, chips, and other candy (Let's face it.  That is his important i

Kicking the Baby Out of the Nest...(My Oldest Goes to College)

As a parent you spend eighteen years training a child, so that one day, they will be able to become independent thinkers.  Today was a hard day for me.   After eighteen years, I had to release my first independent thinker into this world.  I helped my son move into college.  Yes, I cried last night.  Not pretty tears either, but wet, sloppy, snotty tears. When we look at nature, we see parents releasing their young into independence at early ages.  The wood duck builds its nest fifty feet in a tree.  When the parents feel the baby is old enough, the mom sits on the ground calling to its baby to jump from its nest.  (Our children should NEVER complain again when we ask them to take out the trash.  It's not jumping from a fifty foot high tree!)  A kangaroo will take care of its "joey" until its too big to fit in its pouch, then its adios.  A deer feeds its fawn until its old enough for solid food and then teaches it where to find food and how to live.  After that, the dee

Surviving Brain Surgery...Megan's Home!

We survived two brain surgeries in a week along with one and a half weeks in the hospital!!!  Many of you have been following my daughter's (Megan) journey to overcome epilepsy.  This path led us to brain surgery.  It was one of the scariest things our family have faced.  Many have asked how we made it through this hard time.  So for this post, I want to let you know what got us through this difficult time. 1. Prayers from others.   Megan and I recorded a song before her major surgery.  We knew she would have a section of her brain removed to stop the origination of the seizures.  She wasn't sure if she would be able to sing again after surgery , so she wanted to sing her favorite song to share with others.  "So Will I" was a worship song that said no matter what happens I will worship God.  We recorded the song.  I admit that I cried at the end of the video.  What we didn't realize was that God would not only use that video to witness to others, but also unit