When Everything Seems to Go Wrong...

Ever have one of those days? You know the ones, when you wake up and things seem to almost instantaneously spiral downhill? I've written about them before, but I had one the other day worthy of sharing. I woke up and found myself running late for work. This would not be a problem if parking were not an issue. However, I work on a school campus where a parking spot is premium. In college, I had this weird quirk where I had to get a good parking spot, and once found, I wouldn't move my car the whole week. I still have this problem. Alas, my running late cost me my prime parking spot. This left me parking on the dirt median between the parking lot and the road. I pulled under the trees and climbed out of my car. At the exact point that I walked under the trees, a bird or maybe an avenging squirrel decided to shake the trees. I was unwillingly drenched in an impromptu shower of left-over rain and dew on the branches....