
Showing posts from February, 2019

When I Got Rabies...

I know, you are probably thinking, "How did you contract rabies?"  Let me tell you the story.  About fourteen years ago, I noticed something strange happening to my cat.  She started acting funny.  She was twitching, foaming at the mouth, and then couldn't move her body.  When I went to pick her up, she scratched me, so I put her on my front porch.  What is the first thing you think of when you see an animal foaming at the mouth?  Rabies!   I did what anyone would do in my position.  I googled it.  She seemed to have the symptoms of rabies, so then I started to panic.  People get rabies from animals all the time.  My cat could have gotten it from a crazy, wild creature outside.  After researching on WebM.D., (which you should never do), I had convinced myself that not only did my cat have rabies, but that I might have gotten it.   You are supposed to take the animal to the vet to confirm rabies.  After that you would have to go through a painful series of shots to prev

My Husband Had One Foot in the Grave (Literally)...A Funeral to Remember

One of the duties my husband does as pastor is performing weddings and funerals.  An elderly man from our congregation passed away, so my husband was asked to perform his funeral.  My husband had the honor of being with him right before he passed away.  My husband sang a few hymns with the man, and even in his weakened state, he raised his hand and tried to sing and worship God with his last breath.  This made it easy to perform the funeral because my husband was able to tell the mourners that this man was ready to go be God.  After the graveside service, my husband walked to the casket and bent down to pull the flag that had slipped on the casket up.  Keep in mind that we have had a lot of rain.  Also, the grave had been dug slightly larger than normal.  As he bent down, the ground gave way and my husband began to fall into the grave!   With one leg in the grave, he caught himself on the casket.  Of course, someone from the funeral home rushed to help pull him out.  I like to say t

The Circle Maker Devotion-Part 2 (5 Hours in a Line at a Winter Jam Concert)

I am exhausted! Anyone feel the same?  I took our church's youth group to Winter Jam (a huge Christian concert) where we drove 3 hours to get there, waited 5 hours in line, and rocked and worshiped for 5 hours.  We then drove back another 3 hours at which time we arrived at 2:15 this morning.  This morning, I had to get up to make it to worship practice, to teach Sunday School, and to lead worship.  What does this have to do with The Circle Maker , you may ask.  So here goes... This week, we covered chapter four of The Circle Maker which focuses on praying through.  The book discussed a lady named, Mother Dabney.  She wanted God to grow her husband's church, so she had a talk with God where she promised to meet God every morning at 9am, and He would never have to wait for her to arrive .  She also promised to fast and do this prayer time for 2 years !  I have a hard time with 1 week.  As she proved faithful, the church grew drastically.  Batterson mentioned that praying f

Super Bowl, Super Boy, Super Stressed?

This week could be considered momentous for many.  It is the Super Bowl.  For some that means snacking on stuff you would never put in your mouth during a regular day, standing in front of a television shouting at some team to perform, and (my favorite) watching commercials.  I'm going to be honest.  I don't even know who's playing this year.  I may sneak in for commercials, but that's as far as my football watching goes.  I am, however, a big watcher of a certain kid in my life.  My son, Andrew, turns fourteen tomorrow!  This kid always has a smile on his face.  When I was pregnant with him, I read that if you eat dark chocolate each day, you would have a happier baby.  So every day, I would eat a York Peppermint Patty.  He is my fourth child, so by the time I gave birth, he pretty much just flew out.  I remember my husband making me laugh.  The nurse begged me to stop laughing because I was literally laughing the baby out without a doctor present.   The doctor manag