A Lock-in and Spiritual Malnutrition

I have survived one of the hardest things of an adult's life- a youth lock-in. The youth were great! We played games and challenged their skills late into the night, but I realized there is a big difference between me as a teenager and me as an adult. By ten o'clock at night, I started to crash. The only problem is that the teenagers were just getting their first wind. I even caught some chugging an energy drink which was totally not fair! I managed to keep going until one in the morning but had to admit defeat and sleep. I disappeared into my husband's church office furnished with a love seat to sleep a little. Little was the key word. The only way I could fit was in the fetal position or with my legs over the very high arms and half-way over my head. Once I could no longer feel my legs, I determined that I would need to change strategies. I moved the cushions to the floor and slept half on and half off the cushion....