
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Dangers of Building a Life-Sized Giraffe

My daughter has informed me that our family is weird.  Every teenager thinks their families are strange, so most times her statement holds no validity.  However, as I thought of the things we do in ministry, I realized she may be right.  If you have every been in a ministry position, you may agree with this.  When our church has a VBS, guess who dress as strange characters like the Hulk.  We do!  How about filming a reality show or goofy skit made to look like a Spanish soap opera in public for Christmas.  That's us, too!  This week topped them all. Our church is having a mission's banquet.  Our special guest speaker is a missionary to Africa, so we wanted to make him welcome.  My daughter came home from work to find me building a 3-D life-sized baby giraffe in our living room.   She immediately started taking pictures to show her friends how weird her mother is.  I asked her, "Doesn't everyone build baby giraffes in their living rooms?"  Apparently, they do n

What Was Lost Is Now Found

Do you have anyone in your family that loses everything they touch?  My husband is that person.  He is known in our family for putting things somewhere safe and then forgetting that "safe" place.  I usually find the lost things, but this weekend was a test of my abilities.  My husband bought a coke machine for our church.  After everything was in place to turn the machine on, he realized he couldn't find the key to open it.  We spent a lot of time looking for the key with no results.  Meanwhile, my son participated in a fundraiser at school selling t-shirts.  He received a check for his wares and put the check in his pocket.  Some of you are probably saying, "Oh no!"  You would be right.  Late on a Friday night, he came to me asking if I had seen a check anywhere.  That was when he came clean and admitted he had lost the check.   I searched his room, his clothes, his very cluttered backpack.  Nothing.  At this point, we realized the check must have fallen out

Locked Out Again...(Part 2 of the Ladies Book Study)

Yes, I have found myself locked out of my house for the second time.   Only a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the experience of trying to break into my own home.  This week, after my children went to their rooms for the night, I sat down to talk to my husband.  As we were discussing some frustrations, I followed my husband into our garage where he was washing clothes.  As we tried to walk back into the house after he was finished, I realized the door wouldn't open.  I had locked both of us in the garage!   I can normally pick the lock, but my tools were in the house.  We beat on the door and yelled our children's names to no response, not even our dog.  We lifted the garage door from inside, and I ran around to the front door in my fluffy, pink robe.  Luckily, the front door hadn't gotten locked yet.  My children swore they didn't hear us yelling their names.  They thought that the banging was us hammering something.  I ask you, why would we build something at 10

Lesson Learned...Leg Hurt

I have learned an important lesson.  I am not the bionic woman.   My husband and I have been challenged to live healthier, so exercise has become an important part of our life.  Normally, I go to the gym, but a couple of weeks ago, I was unable to make it.  My husband mentioned I could work out at his school's gym where he teaches.  After accepting, I realized that we have two different styles of exercising.   I run a little, lift weights, and do whatever I feel in the mood to do.  My husband writes how many sets he will do on a dry erase board, creates work-out routines, and does circuits.  In the first two minutes, I had rebelled against his forcing me to put my work-out plan on a board.   I sounded like one of the early women in America fighting for the right to vote.  I require freedom to make my own choices (of exercise equipment)!  My husband rolled his eyes and continued.  He pulled this really tall plywood box down and told me we could do box jumps.  I have never done a b