Thankfulness, Turkeys, and Time Change Woes

Yes, my husband is dressed as a giant turkey for his Thanksgiving sermon. We are starting the week that focuses on remembering our blessings and being thankful for what God has given us. Usually, when you begin to focus on the good, guess what happens. Annoying stuff starts scurrying into your life like sneaky, gross cockroaches. As I mentioned last week, I wanted to focus on the good. I woke up last week ready to do just that. I crawled out of bed still half asleep because I am not adjusting well to the time change. I threw on my scrubs, fed my children, dropped them off at school, and rolled into the parking lot a little early. As I sat talking to a co-worker, I realized that I was wearing my pants inside out! Tags and everything. I hurried into the bathroom for a quick wardrobe change and found myself thankful that I had noticed it before I started going to the preschools where I do therapy. The next day, as...