
Showing posts from November, 2019

Thankfulness, Turkeys, and Time Change Woes

Yes, my husband is dressed as a giant turkey for his Thanksgiving sermon.   We are starting the week that focuses on remembering our blessings and being thankful for what God has given us.  Usually, when you begin to  focus on the good, guess what happens.  Annoying stuff starts scurrying into your life like sneaky, gross cockroaches.  As I mentioned last week, I wanted to focus on the good.  I woke up last week ready to do just that.  I crawled out of bed still half asleep because I am not adjusting well to the time change.  I threw on my scrubs, fed my children, dropped them off at school, and rolled into the parking lot a little early.  As I sat talking to a co-worker, I realized that I was wearing my pants inside out!   Tags and everything.  I hurried into the bathroom for a quick wardrobe change and found myself thankful that I had noticed it before I started going to the preschools where I do therapy.  The next day, as I rolled into the parking lot, I noticed a dryer sheet han

Out of Luck

Are you the person in your group that orders something, and they are always out of it?  Last weekend, my family and I decided to make a surprise visit to my oldest son at college.  We enjoyed a little Steak & Shake and Hurts Donuts.  One of our favorite traditions is playing cards at Hurts Donuts and then feasting on our favorite specialty donut.   I'm always the lucky one that no matter what I order, they are out of that particular thing.   My husband didn't believe me when we first married, but soon became convinced.  After multiple attempts to order, only to find them sold out, or my favorite, no longer making that dish anymore, I have learned to be more flexible.  A highlight was when I visited a well-known chain restaurant in Mobile, Alabama years ago.  I ordered a Monte Cristo, which I happen to love.  The waiter politely told me to order something else.  I told him I want that, not something else.  He then informed me that the chef had no clue how to make that sa

A Mumble, a Tumble, and Listening to God

Last night, we enjoyed a church bonfire.  Before any of you ask, I did not set myself on fire!  With my clumsiness, that is the first thing people think I would do.  So far, knock on wood, I've yet to do that.  I did, however, fall through a chair.  Yes, you heard me right.  Since we wanted to roast hot dogs and marshmallows by the fire pit, we placed our folding camp chairs around the fire.  I went inside the church to make sweet tea, a Southern staple, and get a few things.  When I returned to the fire, people were already settled around the warm flames.  I immediately searched for a seat down-wind due to an allergy to smoke. I noticed one of our camp chairs in a good spot, so I decided to park myself in that chair.  I heard my husband mumble something to me, but I couldn't understand what he was saying.   I remember everything in slow motion.  One of the ladies in our church was saying loudly, "Don't sit in that!  It's broken!"   However, this came as

Beyond the Boonies...Taking the Road Less Traveled

  My husband and I decided to drive down an unknown road this afternoon.   I swear that I heard banjos playing.  After a successful mission's banquet at our church, we had the evening off, so we decided to hop into my husband's Jeep and drive deep, deep into the forest to find the Buffalo River.  I am not an outdoor person, so when the pavement ended, I started to get a little anxious.  Because of the time change, I knew that night would fall soon, and I did not want to be stranded in an unknown forest after dark.  My husband, of course, told me to stop worrying.   That's hard for me to do.  Instead of a glass half full kind of person, I am a "there's a crack in my glass" type of person.  I have to focus on the good in order to see past the hard stuff.  Well, as we drove deep into the woods, I started to panic.   What if we got stuck?  Could I push a Jeep out of two feet of mud?  What if we flipped over as we climbed a really high, rocky hill?  What if som