A Pile of Poop

Today, I had to do one of the chores I hate the most. I had to pooper scoop my lawn. One of the drawbacks of having a very large dog is that there are smelly landmines all over my yard. It's not so bad during the day, but at night, it is a battlefield. One wrong step in the dark and you're cleaning your shoes for 30 minutes with a toothbrush. We have even assigned this job as punishment for our children if they refuse to do the jobs we have given them around the house. Picture my son with a bandana wrapped around his nose whining about the smell and how life is unfair as he picks up doggy presents around my yard. Because I despise this duty (sorry for the pun) so much, my husband was thoughtful enough to buy me a pooper scooper for Christmas. You heard me right. For Christmas, my husband bought me a tool to pick up doggy poop. How romantic! Believe it or not, I actually like this gift. Why? Because it gi...