Will You Go to Prom With Me?

Prom spelled out in pepperoni on a pizza...Post-It Proms on car windshields...Yoda one I want to go to prom with in a Yoda costume...If you haven't seen any of these on social media, let me be the first to tell you it is prom season.  As a result of this time of year, I got the opportunity to buy prom dresses for my identical twin girls.  Even though they are identical, they are as different in personality as hot is from cold.  Megan likes to be prepared, so she found her dress a year ago.We were looking around a flea market when Megan fell in love with this princess dress.  It was amazing, but not in a good way.  It was hot pink/orange/metallic something covered in a rainbow tulle and coated with about 3 pounds of fabric rosettes, crystal beads, and large butterfly-shaped sequins.  To her amazement, and my horror, a little elderly man saw her adoration and wanted to give her the prom dress of her dreams.  He paid for the whole thing.  As I looked at this fluffy concoction of cotton candy, I wasn't sure what I would do.  Why? Because she liked the princess cut, but wanted it made into something modern.  She looked past the flash and color to see what it could be.  The big problem was it was three or four sizes too small.  I can sew, but this was going to take a fairy godmother and a hoard of talking mice.  I sewed, mumbled, cried some, and eventually found victory.  You can see the results in the picture of her new floral dress.  So one dress was down.  One girl to go.  I took Aimee prom dress shopping on Saturday. While Megan loves princess pretty, Aimee loves simple and elegant.   I knew it might be a long day when Aimee said that she didn't know what she wanted and she would try on anything.  The employee pulled out a dress that was layered in ruffles that look like a bunch of slinkies wrapped in neon metallic orange/pink fabric.  Pink lace covered the bodice and fake diamond jewels covered the front of the dress.  I thought, Oh no! I can't do this again!  So when Aimee was presented with this massive pile of ruffled fabric, I knew she would say, "Absolutely not!"  She did not say this.  She tried the dress on!  At this point, I couldn't stay silent.  I told the employee of the dress shop that this dress would not work.  Aimee wanted simple.  After trying on dresses that looked like they belonged on the remake of The Little Mermaid and dresses that looked like they belonged on a prom from the 80's, we finally found the perfect dress for her.  He sees what we could be when He's finished with us.  So if you feel like you are not enough or are not worthy of love, I want to encourage you.   God who sees beauty in you is looking beyond the trappings on the outside and is mesmerized by your heart.  
The point of the story.  We're a lot like those orange/pink dresses.  When the world looked at us, they saw everything wrong with us.  But when God looks at us, He sees the beauty in us. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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