How Long Will It Take Before I Kill These...

I've noticed that one type of store has been thriving during the quarantine...home improvement stores.  Lowe's and Home Depot have been crowded even more than Walmart.  Why? You may ask.  It's really quite simple.  How many times have you wanted to do odd jobs around your house or asked your spouse to do them, but there never seemed to be enough time.  Guess what?  There is more than enough time now, so I sent my husband off to start fixing things around my house.  There's only so much Netflix a person can watch.  We decided to tackle the flower beds in front of our house and build some pot gardens.  Before you ask, no we are not raising pot!!  We are raising vegetables in pots.  Here's the catch.  I am known for my black thumb of death.  I have managed to kill aloe plants that have probably been in existence since the dinosaurs, succulents that need very little water, and air plants that need no water.  How can you kill an air plant?  It just needs air, right?  I guess it's my special talent.  My sweet husband buys me pots of tulips every year, and I have carcasses of dead tulips in pots lining the side of my house.  I've found that if I leave them outside, and let God take care of them, they thrive.  If it's hot, I may need to water a little, but mostly I let God do what He does best.  Take care of His creation.  Why is it that we have faith that if we put plants in the ground, water them a little, and stand back, we know God will allow them to grow?  We may need to prepare the ground and feed them water if they are dry, but otherwise, God is faithful.  Can He not do the same things for us?  If we prepare our lives by obeying Him, getting rid of the stuff that keeps us from growing and feed ourselves through reading the Word/praying, God will take care of the rest!  Take the time and have the faith to let God grow you!

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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