Five More Minutes- Time Change Troubles

Today marked the day I both dread and wait for on bated breath- moving the clock forward an hour. I dread loosing an hour of sleep, but as a teacher, it marks an important milestone. Spring break comes a week later, soon to be followed by summer. I know the time change is coming, but I still always fail to properly prepare. Last night, I had good intentions; however, time got away from me and I found myself folding laundry and washing dishes, not at 10pm, but at the new time of 11pm. I woke up like a zombie crying out to my unyielding alarm clock for five more minutes. It reminded me of my older brother when he was a teenager. I was at his mercy and promptness for a ride to school. at the time, both were in short supply. I would wake him up only to hear the dreaded words, "five more minutes." This would continue until we were late. The nerd in me dreaded facing the secretary for a tardy slip. My brother, however, was the master magician of escaping tardy slips. He would talk of broken-down cars, flooded bridges, and other crazy excuses. One morning, I accidentally sprayed hair spray in my eye. It was the late eighties when you teased and sprayed within an inch of your life. As we stood in the office that morning, late as usual, my mouth dropped open when I heard his latest excuse. "My sister sprayed hairspray in her eye, and I had to administer first aid." He laughed at me and poured himself a bowl of Fruit Loops! We got out of the tardy slip. To this day, I like to be prepared. How prepared are you for Jesus' return? Through 1 John, 2 John, and Revelation, John talks of his visions of Jesus return. Jesus, Himself, spoke of when He would come back. You may say that people have been talking about it forever, and you would be right. But even if Jesus doesn't return in our lifetime through His second coming, we are all guaranteed to meet Him at some point. The question is, "Are you prepared for when you do?" Will there be a excuse? "God, five more minutes to make my heart ready. I need more time. " The same thing happened when the flood came, and God shut Noah in the ark. A lot of people called out for more time. Make the most of your time on this earth. Prepare for what's to come so you are ready when you meet God- with no excuses.

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


  1. Wow I guess being in the hospital and going through all what I have I didn't even realize they time change thank you


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