Back in the Day Road Rules

This weekend, we loaded up our car to drive to a memorial service a few hours away. As two of my upper-teenage children sat in the back seat complaining about poor radio reception and our need to use their Spotify for better music. At that moment, my husband and I both muttered, "This generation is totally missing out on what makes a real road trip." I know. I'm starting to sound like a white-haired granny, but there truly is something to be said about an old-fashioned road trip. The first thing the road trip taught me was the art of negotiation. I'm sure you remember the key word that had to be uttered for primo seats- shotgun! This worked for short trips, but when everyone came along, rules changed. Parents got the front, so the power struggle for the best seats shifted to the back seat. A tussel unfolded as you ran for the best seating in the back. This is where size worked against you. My older brother would hip-check me out of the way leaving me with the lesser ...