Hearing From God


Sometimes we need to just hear from God. Is this the job I should take? Should I marry or date this person? Where should I live? We always want to hear from God when it comes to big decisions, but
sometimes there's those moments of anxiety, depression, or heartbreak when you need to know you are not alone, and God still cares.
This morning at worship practice, I had a young lady ask if I could play the song that basically says, " I speak the name of Jesus over you." She said she felt God in the song. I told her I would play it sometime in the future. She had been going through a lot lately. During worship service, the Holy Spirit really impressed upon us a question. Whose report will you believe- the lies of the enemy or God? Many responded to God. At the end of worship, one of the ladies in the church felt God leading her to pray. She pointed straight to the young woman going through hard times and said, "I speak the name of Jesus over you." Of course, the young woman wept with the knowledge that God heard her and cared about her pain. Whatever you are going through, God knows and cares. You are not alone. Every moment God surrounds you with His love waiting for you to rest in His peace. 

Have a great week high-heeled warriors!


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