
Showing posts from June, 2024

Update: My Daughter's Latest EEG Six Years This Week After Brain Surgery

  A couple of weeks ago, I went with my daughter to her yearly neurologist appointment. They have slowly been lowering her seizure medication. It's easy to worry after all that we've been through, but as we visited the bathroom in the waiting room, we had a little reminder to trust God. There on the paper towel dispenser was a little Jesus. It reminded us He's always with us, even in hard times. The neurologist wanted to do a new EEG. The last one was a couple of years ago and was inconclusive. We scheduled the new EEG for last week. After prayer and remembering Jesus is with us, we went. She received the results the next day. No seizure or abnormal activity! Every year that passes is good news. We are so thankful that God is faithful, and Jesus is always with us! Have a great week high-heeled warriors!

The Importance of Gathering Together From the View of an Introvert

  We had a shrimp boil this weekend. Anyone who knows me understands that I could spend days shut away in my house with a good book and my dog. As an introvert, I charge my internal battery that way. Quiet gives me energy and happiness. My husband, on the other hand, is an extrovert. His batteries are charged being around people. When we don't take time to charge our internal batteries,we become drained and moody. However, when not careful, we can spend too much time charging and find a whole new set of problems. Too much time alone for an introvert can lead to depression and social anxiety. Too much group time for an extrovert can lead to tiredness, struggles with developing deep personal relationships, and a struggle with quiet time with God. Balance is the key. So for an introvert, why do we need to gather with others? Even though you may think that you're most happy alone, there is a deep need in all of us to connect to others. So even though you don't want to go to tha

When God Prunes Your Tree

  As you may have noticed by local produce in the supermarkets, it is peach season. We have a beautiful peach tree in our yard, but every time it starts to bloom, a frost comes out of nowhere and kills the buds. This year, our tree still produced a handful of peaches. The issue is ants and bugs. Even though the fruit grows, bugs sneak into the fruit and destroy the fruit from the inside out. Let's just say that taking a bite of a peach directly off the tree will result in a little extra protein in the form of a tiny worm. Another one of our fruit trees developed a fungus. It started small on one branch. We noticed that the branch was failing to thrive and eventually died. We thought cutting off the affected limb would be enough, but we waited too long to deal with it. Eventually, the whole tree was covered in fungus and rotting. Because there was no recovery from this, we had no choice but to cut down the tree, lest it spread to our other fruit trees. This made me understand a scr

Divine Appointments

 I believe that God orchestrates situations. We saw God move in amazing opportunities while my daughter visited Thailand on a mission's trip. We also saw God move tonight. We had our church go door-to-door connecting with people in our community. What I found was that people are desperately wanting genuine connection to people. In a world where everyone views everything through a screen or filter, it's hard to feel a genuine connection to others. I remember growing up in a rural setting where my parents would take us on visitations on Sunday afternoon. You would load up in the car and just visit people, whether it was church members or your neighbors. Today, we often don't even exchange more than a couple of words a year with our neighbors. This lack of connection has created an environment of loneliness, cynnicalness, and depression. As we knocked on doors and asked if people needed prayer for anything, often, they did. There was a shock that we asked. One particular woma