
Showing posts from June, 2018

Second Brain Surgery is Coming...The Power of Prayer

As most may know, Megan and I have been week-long guests of Arkansas Children's Hospital per brain surgery #1.  Her neurosurgeon placed a grid of probes on her brain in order to capture the exact location of where her seizures are originating.  After her first surgery, the waiting began.  Now, all we needed was the seizures.  During this time, I learned not to put your hairbrush on the little shelf over the toilet with her urine catch in it.  Don't ask me why.  After a couple of days, we had everyone pray for seizures.  Sounds odd, right? After prayers, she had a really big seizure.  For the first time ever, she was aware of what was going on around her.  It terrified her wondering if she would ever be able to speak again.  After about 30 minutes, she was able to speak clearly and began to calm.  This is when she really realized the power of prayer.   She told me to be more specific in asking for prayer.  "Mom, I want you to ask people to pray for 2 more small seizures!&

A Cobra for Father's Day

Some may ask why anyone would give a father a cobra on Father's Day.  Yes, it was a real cobra.  For years, my husband has been willing to do the craziest things in the name of fatherhood.  During my pregnancy, he rushed out at midnight to retrieve the can of sloppy joe that the baby desperately needed (according to my cravings).  There was the time he had to brush my baby boy's mouth after he had confused our little Rat Terrier's doggy doo with a candy bar.  In his defense, they looked similar, and he was only 18 months old.  In my defense, it was doggy poo in my kid's mouth!  I couldn't handle it.  There were the times that he came up with last minute Halloween costumes or created school projects from his creative mind.  I remember one particular night that he had gone to school all day for his master's degree, worked a full shift at J.P. Morgan Chase, and then came home to do homework.  We had four children under the age of 5 years old and a stomach bug

Freak Hailstorms, Garage Sales, and Gandalf?

As the day approaches for my daughter's brain surgery, I'm trying to get all of my ducks in a row.  Clean house, clutter gone.  That means only one thing- garage sale.  I thought I would not only remove clutter, but also raise money for church camp.  This meant I had to conquer a big obstacle- getting my husband to clean his garage and get rid of clothes that no longer fit.  This is when I became aware of an interesting aspect to men.  Why do men act like wizards?   I found my husband standing in the middle of our kitchen.  I asked what he was doing, to which he replied he was looking for something.  This is usually where the spouse comes in and moves a box to find the missing item.  So next came the million dollar question.  "Did you actually look?"  It is like he is Gandalf  waiting for the item he is looking for to fly out of hiding and into his outstretched hand.   "My car keys- come!"  Later that morning, I noticed a pot of water boiling on the stove.

Life Interruption or Divine Intervention?

My husband owns the equivalent of a small zoo.  As a science teacher, over the years, he has compiled an assortment of animals that he uses to demonstrate animal life systems and life cycles.  Every summer, that zoo joins our happy, little family.  This year, I have the joy of experiencing a musky weasel (It's actually a ferret, but I like to call it a weasel.), a parrot with a smart mouth (she keeps calling me brat), and thankfully no snakes this year.  My husband made plans to bring them home after cleaning and making room for them.  Unfortunately, his plans changed.  He received a call telling him the floors would be cleaned, so they needed to go right away.  We loaded in our car and started moving animal cages and aquariums.  We squeezed a massive weasel cage into the back seat of our car.  Meanwhile his little pirate parrot proceeded to poop all over his dress shirt.  I may have laughed just a little.  When we finally moved the demon snakes, Kyle was frustrated with having t