The Consequences of a Bad Choice (Does God Cause Bad Things to Happen?)

Does God cause bad things to happen to us? This week, I've had multiple conversations with people about dealing with consequences. They asked why God caused bad things to happen to us, so I would like to address this question head on. This morning illustrated God's grace perfectly. As I was leaving for church, I narrowly missed walking into a really big spider web stretched between my car and my husband's truck. There was a very hairy spider sitting right in the middle of this web. Thankfully, I missed walking into the web, or I would have alerted the whole neighborhood of meeting the itsy, bitsy spider. I mentioned to my daughter that I would have to destroy the spider's web in order to leave, and she said a very wise statement. "The spider chose to build his web in a dangerous place." I very gently reversed my car so that the spider web fell toward my husband's truck. The web was completely destroyed, but the spider lived ...