
Showing posts from June, 2019

Why Go to Church?

Yesterday, as I spent a very, hot afternoon in my church attic going through luau props for children's church, I started thinking about the whys.  Why do I spend so much time working on children's church?  Why do I search the internet for hours for ideas to engage youth?  Why do I show up hours before church to pray and practice?  Now, don't get me wrong.  I was not having a time of complaint.  I am very thankful that I can serve God in a lot of different ways.  It was more a time of introspection.  Were my motives pure?  Last Wednesday, as I spoke to the youth group, I mentioned motivations.  Why do we go to church?  The youth talked about friendships, hanging out, and helping.  I challenged them. As you can see in my picture, I like to visit a certain store that shall remain nameless.  I go there for groceries.  When I was in college, my friends and I would go there because it was the only store open past ten.  We would play in the toy department until they ran us o

My Arch Nemesis

Most people who know me know that I love animals.  I'm an extreme introvert, so the first thing I do when I go to a party or someone's house is scout out their pets.   I, then, spend the evening hanging out with my new best friend.  Because of this, there are very few animals I don't like.  When my husband and I first married, we moved into an apartment complex that required a deposit for pets.  My husband thought it would be great if we got the type of pet that would not require a deposit.  He gave me the choice of a snake, a rat, or a tarantula.  I chose the rat because he looked the most like a bunny.  This shows that I'm adaptable and can mingle with all kinds of God's little creatures.  That is until my husband brought the latest friend home.  My husband's a biology teacher, so he has some animals in his classroom to demonstrate life systems.  During the summer, our house becomes refuge to said animals.  One of such animals was a parrot named Jammer.  Jam

What Makes a Good Dad? One of My Most Embarrassing Moments...

One of the most memorable experiences of my life centered around my dad.  It is also one of the most embarrassing moments.  I remember that I had been around 4 or 5 years old and desperately wanted to be 10 or maybe even 13 years old.  I felt I was ready for one of the milestones of a young girls life - going to the bathroom without an adult.  Keep this in mind.  This was in the early 80's when the restrooms at Walmart were one room with a sliding bolt lock for the door.  I begged my mother to let my brother take me to the bathroom and stand outside, so she finally complied.  I practically skipped behind my brother all the way to the bathroom at the back of the Walmart.   After entering, locking the door, and going to the restroom, I had already begun to feel a little older.  With determination, I turned and pulled on the sliding bolt lock.  Nothing happened.  I jiggled.  I wiggled.  I pulled and pushed.  The bolt would not budge.  At this point, the moment of freedom changed in

A Funeral and a Wedding

Today, I celebrated two very different things.  I celebrated the homecoming of one of the oldest ladies in our church.  This dear lady was 94 years old and went home to be with the Lord.  It was a very difficult thing to celebrate because she had such an impact on my life.  I knew that she loved and supported me through the good times and the hard times.  She had often spoke of when she died, but when the day finally came, it was still hard to let go.  I was very happy that she had finally been released from the earthly and flawed body to be with Jesus in peace, but I feel the gap from her absence in my life.  This had me thinking.  Do I leave a gap?  Do I live my life with purpose and intent?  If I were absent in someone's life, would I make enough of an impact to cause a gap?   This is something we all should strive to achieve in our lives.  My oldest son overheard this woman in church one Sunday.  One of the youth had sat on the back row beside her and my son.  He proceeded

To Avenge or Forgive?

This last week, we did our annual VBS at our church.  I got the opportunity to write the curriculum and really thought about what would attract children, but also challenge anyone who comes.  After watching a certain movie that I shall not name, I was inspired.  My husband laughed because they (spoiler alert) changed the appearance of Thor.  Watching Thor's metamorphosis was the light bulb moment for me.  I noticed how destructive the need for revenge and avenging can be.   So for our VBS, we compared Thor to Jesus.  Thor was powerful and overcame evil with his hammer, but when he became eaten up by the need for revenge, it crippled him emotionally.  Even with all of his power still being present, he couldn't recognize it was there because of fear, hurt, and helplessness.   You'll have to see the movie to see what happens to Thor, but I can tell what happens to our other super hero.  Jesus, as God's son, was powerful.  He could have called down angels to save Him fro