
Showing posts from August, 2019

Fitbit Fake

My daughters are obsessed with this Fitbit craze. You can count your steps, watch your sleep pattern, and check your texts simultaneously.  I love the concept, just not the price. So against my daughters judgement, I bought a Fitbit fake.  I thought, "What could be so different?"  Plus, I saved one hundred dollars, so it had to be a winner.  I synced my phone to this activity tracker.  It didn't even come with a cool name.  Immediately, I noticed that it was tracking my steps (to the refrigerator).  I wore it through the day as I watched my life become more fit.  Once it was nighttime, I was really excited because I was hoping to track my sleep patterns.  I wanted to prove to my husband that his snoring was totally interfering with my sleep.  I put on my watch after a couple of hours of recharging and hopped into bed.  At about three in the morning, I heard this loud piercing sound that was identical to a tornado siren!  I jumped out of bed ready to drag my children

Does God Have Favorites?

Have your children ever made the comment that you love their sibling more than them?  When I ask why they would think that, I usually get the response that it is because I did something nice for one of them.  As a parent, you respond that you always love them equally, and I do.  But sometimes I am pleased with one more than the others.  Why?  If one of my children takes the time to do the dishes, laundry, cook dinner, and take out the trash without me asking, the first thing I'm going to do is think what do they want.  The next thing is that I am going to be delightfully pleased that they cared enough for me and our family to be faithful and helpful.   I will want to honor that child for their faithfulness.  Maybe I'll buy them an ice cream sundae or spend some time with them watching their favorite movie.  Did this mean I didn't love my other children?  No.  It just means that I want to honor kindness.  God is like this.  He loves everyone equally.  He sent Jesus for a

The Cone of Shame- Can Correction Help Us?

My dog has been banished to the cone of shame.   A few days ago, my husband and I noticed that my dog was bleeding.  We immediately worked on stopping the bleeding and then bandaging this small gash on his leg.  The problem was that bandaids apparently taste yummy to dogs.   I had to rush to work, so I told my children to be on poopy monitoring.  They were to look for the evidence of bandaids in my dog's poop to make sure he passed them.   After two different episodes of eating his bandaid (he hid in the hallway once to do this), we knew we were going to have to take drastic measures.  We found a dog collar.  He hated it.  He wandered around knocking things off of tables, walking into furniture, and once he slammed into the back of my locked knees almost knocking me to the floor.   I think he enjoyed that a little bit.  If he hadn't licked his wounds continuously, then the collar would not have been needed, but he was not getting this.  Even though the collar felt like a puni

Changing the Toilet Paper Roll...What Is Love?

I celebrated my twenty-second anniversary on Friday.  It's funny how much has changed in twenty-two years.  When we were first married, it was like that sappy, gooey kind of love.   You know the kind.  It's when you see that couple that can't stop canoodling.   They finish each other's sentences.  They are cute, but you feel slightly affected by sugar overload in their company.  My husband and I were in that category.  Twenty-two years later, we still love each other, but there is something about the kind of love that has endured ups and downs together.  It's a love that stays up together taking care of a fevered child or washing sheets until early morning because all of your children got the stomach bug at the same time.  Through the years, my husband and I have bonded over being young and broke and paying for our midnight Taco Bell run in pennies, nickels, and dimes because that's all we had to spare.   We've bonded over having to learn to blend two tot