Birthday Disasters

Today is a special day for me. Today is my birthday! Happy Birthday to me!! Let's not talk about how old I am, but needless to say, I am no longer (as they say in the Ozarks) a spring chicken. I've experienced quite a few birthdays. Some of them have been sweet, and others...not so sweet. I remember as a kid having the typical December birthday. I always heard, "Open up your gifts for Christmas and save one for your birthday." If you have a birthday near Christmas, you have experienced my pain. I always had my birthday gifts wrapped in Christmas paper, and always had two birthday cakes- one for me and one for Jesus. Because my birthday happened during the Christmas break, I tried to have parties. Everyone was always travelling, so attendance was spotty. I think that is why so many people invite my family to their kid's parties. If no one shows, keep the Tardiffs on retainer. One phone call and our ...