
Showing posts from February, 2020

Why Is Fasting So Hard?

Why is fasting so hard?  I've never liked dieting.  I'm too in love with bread and dessert to stick with a diet for long.  When intermittent fasting became a thing, I did not jump on that band wagon.  My husband mentioned that I am not very nice when I'm hangry.  So when I started hearing a lot of friends talk about fasting, I was challenged.  I've had several friends who have mentioned that God has challenged them to fast (giving up something and replacing it with prayer) for answers to prayers.  As they've done this, they have begun to report back amazing ways God answered their prayers almost instantly.  My daughters are friends with a couple in ministry.  They fasted and prayed for God to provide a bus for the ministry.  Within a very short time period, they were given a very nice bus.  If things happen when we fast, why do we struggle to do it?  I think when Jesus fasted for forty days and nights, the Bible showed some of our struggles.  In Matthew 4:1-11,

Will You Go to Prom With Me?

Prom spelled out in pepperoni on a pizza...Post-It Proms on car windshields...Yoda one I want to go to prom with in a Yoda costume... If you haven't seen any of these on social media, let me be the first to tell you it is prom season.  As a result of this time of year, I got the opportunity to buy prom dresses for my identical twin girls.  Even though they are identical, they are as different in personality as hot is from cold.  Megan likes to be prepared, so she found her dress a year ago. We were looking around a flea market when Megan fell in love with this princess dress.   It was amazing, but not in a good way.  It was hot pink/orange/metallic something covered in a rainbow tulle and coated with about 3 pounds of fabric rosettes, crystal beads, and large butterfly-shaped sequins.  To her amazement, and my horror, a little elderly man saw her adoration and wanted to give her the prom dress of her dreams.  He paid for the whole thing.  As I looked at this fluffy concoction

Tax Season- Yuck!

If you've watched television, you've seen the commercials for tax season.  I can tell you that you will not find me in dollar sign footsy pajamas singing about 1099's like the commercials.  If anything, I dread tax season, and I was a tax preparer at one point in my life!  Why do I dread it?   Because it takes a lot of work.  As a result of itemizing, I have to total receipts and categorize bills.  This sounds easy, right?  It's not if all of your receipts are crammed into a shoe box, the center console of your car, and the junk drawers in your house.  I have to time to gather them, sort them, and total them before I can take them to our tax preparer.  Sometimes we get a tax return.  Sometimes we owe money.  I never know the outcome; however, I do this because it is a requirement of our government.   Let's take this to a spiritual outlook.  I work in my church which I attend.  Yes, I'm a pastor's wife so it's expected, but I would do this even if I w

Super Bowl- Choose a Side (Are You Faithful?)

I f you live in America, you are probably aware that today is Super Bowl Sunday.  Millions of people will gather together to eat massive quantities of junk food, scream at a team they've not watched all year, and critique commercials.  I am not a huge football person, but I love to watch the commercials.  When people ask which team I am cheering for, I have a system.  If it's a team close to where I live, I cheer for them.  If they both are from far away, I look for the team with a player who has a good story.  Peyton Manning was a favorite.  If I haven't heard any moving stories about players, I cheer for the team with my favorite color jersey or best mascot.  If that fails, I cheer for whomever the majority at the party I attend are cheering.  Once you hear my system, you quickly realize I'm not a faithful football fan.  What makes a faithful football fan? 1. A faithful football fan shows up no matter the weather.  A little rain and snow will not hold them back. 2