A Long Hike to a Cave

I've noticed a side effect of being quarantined in my home with tasty goodness in the form of snacks and a closed gym. Instead of the "freshman fifteen" (the weight college students put on in their first year), I have the quarantine ten. I didn't even realize the problem because, let's face it, I have been living in yoga pants for over a month. But as I tried to squeeze into a pair of summer shorts, I realized that I had one too many Hostess cupcakes. In a push to get in better shape, I decided to join my husband and son on a trek down a local trail. It wasn't going to be hard because I had just ran the trail in a 5K only 2 years before. Ha ha. I did not take into account the fact that they had just graded the path right before a big rain. The path was a mix of mud and sporadic stretches of a kitty litter type of gravel. My oldest 6'8" son is built like a giraffe, so I blinked and he was so far ahead that I could barely see him....