
Showing posts from October, 2020

A Bad Case of "Macne"

  The world is facing a new affliction that is completely unique to our current situation- Macne.   Macne is a real thing.  It is when a normal adult begins to exhibit acne worse that a pubescent teenager due to the wearing of masks.  Whether it is the constant wear, constant rubbing and clogging of skin pores, or just reusing dirty masks, it has become a real problem.  Who wants to jump right back into their teenage years?  Any takers?   Not me!  The CDC has even been very wishy-washy in their stance on the proper mask.  At one time, everyone should wear a cloth mask.  Now, they are saying the virus is so small that a cloth mask's pores will not stop the spread, so we should use the medical masks.  At least there is one good point to wearing masks.   Everyone is already costumed for all of the Fall Harvest parties.  We can just extend our costumes onto our masks.  I was once in a Goodwill when I saw a man in a full Darth Vader costume (helmet and all).  He stood in front of the el

Not Afraid to "Dye"

  You may be shocked to hear this, but I color my hair.  Okay, maybe you aren't shocked at all.  At one point, many, many, many years ago, I was originally a strawberry blonde.  Now would be where you insert the dumb, blonde joke. (Why did the blonde have so much trouble reading the computer screen?  She couldn't see past the White-Out.)  As I've aged, I've had to color my hair to cover the gray hair my children have so graciously helped me achieve.   If I grayed a beautiful silver, then I would proudly accept going gray.  Unfortunately, I gray a dingy yellow, so coloring is my best option.  So tell me if this has ever happened to you.  You color your hair, then notice the dark roots have returned a couple of months later.  When you go to color it again, you can't remember what color to buy.   I've found myself standing in the hair color aisle wondering if I was an ash blonde, cool blonde, frosty blonde, or dark blonde.  I finally feel like a dumb blonde for not

You Reap What You Sow...

  You may remember that I posted earlier about my daughter running over a deer.  I gave her a hard time about her little incident.  Y es, I ran over a deer myself last week.   I didn't have the damage she did because, luckily, only the legs were in my lane.  But as I heard the sound as my tires bumped over the legs, I remembered joking with my daughter.  This brings me to the familiar phrase, "you reap what you sow."  I remember as a little girl sitting in Sunday School class.  My friend and I had just noticed that a sweet, elderly lady teaching our class had a noticeable mustache over her lip.  Of course, we did what little girls do.  We would glance at her lip, look at each other, and giggle.  This cycle went on for several minutes.  Later that week, my friend pulled me aside at the church and with horror pointed at a hair growing over her lip.  We were convinced that she had reaped the mustache because she laughed at our Sunday school teacher.  Did I run over the dee

Presidential Panic

  How many of you are tired of the political posts flooding social media?  Because it is an election year, chaos and division seems to override our country's self-control.  I hear comments about how our country cannot continue under the current administration for another four years.  Then I hear responses arguing that a change in leadership will lead to our country's doom.  Some have even gone so far as to praise the fact that our President is sick.  I normally stay away from politics, but I feel like I need to address this.  So here goes... please put on your steel-toed boots because I may step on a few toes. What does the Bible say about who should be our president?  Believe it or not, it actually addresses this.  If we go back to 1 Samuel in the Bible, Israel was being led by God through a prophet who would Israel directions about what to do.  Israel would fall away from God.  God would allow them to go into captivity, and then raise up a prophet to speak to his people.  T