
Showing posts from November, 2020

Keeping Traditions or Changing Them?

  My husband and I had a bet going.  Could I get away with changing traditions this Thanksgiving and do something totally different than turkey?   I am not a big turkey fan and neither are my children, so I thought it would be a piece of cake.  I would crockpot some roast beef, and we would make open-faced roast beef sandwiches with mashed potatoes, green beans, and a pumpkin pie.  Easy and simple.  As the day approached, the shopping was done and only one child was slightly disappointed that the turkey had gained his reprieve from dinner.  Everything was going as planned, I thought.  My oldest son approached me the day before and mentioned how he had promised his girlfriend and her family he would make our special recipe of chicken and dumplings.  What does this mean for me?  Easy just went out the window.  My grandmother's, then mother's, and now my chicken and dumpling recipe is time-consuming and completely from scratch.  As I looked into his puppy dog eyes, I couldn'

Count Your Blessings

 My co-workers and I have had a little joke going between us about the word, "Blessed."  There are so many signs, t-shirts, and memes that label people as "blessed,"  but what does that really mean?  There is absolutely nothing wrong with recognizing how blessed we are in our nation.  Currently, there is a lot of complaining and fault-finding, but ultimately, our nation is very blessed.  Have you found yourself saying, "I'm so frustrated because I can't fit all of my groceries in my refrigerator."  Or how about this, " my wifi keeps going too slow or dropping because we have too many devices in our house.   I can only get one pack of toilet paper today."  Have your heard your children say, "I can taste the difference between generic and name brand food."  All of these are first-world problems.  Our problems are an inconvenience, but how many are facing true hardships- homelessness, hunger, neglect, or abuse?  These things eve

Skipping Thanksgiving

Have you noticed that the world around us has jumped straight to Christmas?   Now, don't get me wrong.  I love the decorations, the joy, the concept of putting others above yourself, and most of all, celebrating the birth of Christ.  I'm also aware that with COVID spreading rampantly in our communities, we are having to change the way we do everything (although someone may need to tell that to the hordes of people packing the aisles of Walmart).   I recognize that going door to door collecting edible sweets is not the best way to stop the spread.  In a side note, I've never been a huge fan of Halloween anyway.  But we have a unique opportunity this year.  Normally, Black Friday shopping has interfered with Thanksgiving enough that it has been the focus of the holiday.  Being grateful for our freedom, family, and privilege was eclipsed by squeezing into stores, waiting for hours in line, and shoving your fellow man out of the way to get the latest gadget at discounted pric

When I Grow Up...(Something to Remember Before You Post)

  As a teacher who works with young children, I ask this question often, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  I get a lot of different answers.  There is the typical, "I want to be the President, a famous singer on the Voice, an actor, or a pro-ball player."  Then there are the unrealistic answers, "I want to be Batman, a cat, or a meme."  I had a very sad conversation with a young boy who wanted to go to prison when he grew up.   When asked why, he responded that when he visited his dad there, they played games and watched television, so that's where he wanted to be.  It's amazing how environment effects the pursuits of young children.   I have a wonderful set of parents who have loved me unconditionally.  They encouraged my dreams, no matter how crazy they were.  I remember writing in my School Memory book as a Kindergarten student that I wanted to be a writer, singer, teacher, and minister.  That's a lot of occupations.  Instead of d

Dog Pajamas

  Yes, I am that person.  You know the one- that person who dresses their dog in cutesy clothes.   Since my daughters are seniors this year, I am trying to spend as much time with them as I can. We spent the day shopping.  In one particular store, we happened upon Christmas pajamas in my very large dog's size.  As I squeezed his little doggy legs into his pajamas, I swear he smiled.   If you don't believe me, look at the picture.  My dog loves to wear clothes!  I think it's because he gets cold a lot, but for whatever reasons, he loves it when I dress him. For this reason, I dress him in sweaters, costumes, bunny ears, and pajamas.   He looks adorable!  My son, however, questions what I am doing to his big, tough, manly dog.  This got me thinking.  I can dress my dog in a bunny suit, but it doesn't make him a bunny.   I can dress him in pajamas, but it doesn't make him a human.  I can dress myself like a Christian.  I can attend church or web-church.  I can sound