
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Meaning of Christmas

Disclaimer: This will not be your normal Christmas message.  I started this blog before I heard my husband's sermon this morning.  His sermon lined up with what I felt God placed on my heart to share, so here goes... My youngest son got a dreaded phone call telling him he had been exposed to a person who had tested positive for COVID.   Of course, he was crushed because we couldn't get him tested for 6 days- the day after Christmas!  I could tell he was upset, so I asked him why he was so sad.  He stated, "I'm going to miss Christmas!"  We reassured him that he would not and got creative.  He sat in a far corner of the room opening gifts and had a special seating on the far side of our kitchen at my new kitchen island during the meal.  We even lit candles to give the "Be Our Guest" Beauty and the Beast moment.  After Christmas, we appeared at the MedExpress as soon as the doors opened.  We waited in one of the patient rooms for over one and a half hour

The Lone Caroler

  Tis the season to go caroling!  My daughters and I have helped at our local community Christmas event since last year.  We would sing Christmas carols to brighten the day and help put people in the holiday spirit.  Unfortunately, with COVID, we were unsure how that would change the big event.  We received a call from the mayor asking us to sing once again.   This time, however, we would sing as a small caroling group that would move among the people socially distanced to see Santa, roast marshmallows over fire pits, and eat Christmas cookies and hot cocoa.  I agreed and was excited to be a part of a lovely event each year.  What I did not know was that my daughters had other engagements planned.  This left me as the long caroler!   I'm not sure if you realized  the significance of this occurrence.  Two or three people makes a caroling group.  One person equals the crazy lady walking around in the store singing to herself!   I could just picture it.  Me, walking slowly among the

To Binge or Not to Binge

Have you ever gotten hooked on a television series and find yourself coming back to reality 4 seasons and two day later?  I love the t-shirt that says, "I'm tired because I have a good book and a lack of respect for tomorrow."  My family knows that I will stay up until early morning reading a good book, but this also extends to a really interesting television series.  This weekend, I became hooked on a television series that has been out forever- Downton Abbey .  Yes, I am one of the few that never watched it when it was so popular.  Maybe it was because I was really busy or just because I didn't get past the first episode, but for whatever reason, I watched episode two and was a goner.  Don't get me wrong.  I wasn't wasting the day away.  I was actually working on important work, but needed something to watch while I worked.  The next thing I knew, I was into Season Two and engrossed in the drama of poor versus wealthy.  I could smell dinner cooking, yet I

Going to the Chapel

  My husband performed a wedding for a close friend's daughter this weekend.  It went much better than when he performed the funeral where he fell in the freshly-dug grave!  We arrived really early in order to make sure the order of the wedding was set and there were no unexpected issues that would arise.  To say no unexpected issues is almost a ridiculous statement.  Anyone who has ever been through a wedding knows that something always pops up.  At a friend's wedding years ago, we were sent on a task to find white roses for boutonnieres because the wedding party wasn't aware they needed them.  As my husband and I scoured every supermarket we could find, the clock was ticking.  I threw together a bunch of boutonnieres (with the windows down in the summer because we were broke and had a car with no air conditioning) as we rushed to get there on time.   Side note: we also had the ring bearer in the car with us.  We had to get there on time.  We rushed in only to find out t