
Showing posts from March, 2021

How Does Palm Sunday Relate To Us Today?

  For teachers everywhere, this last week has been the moment we've been awaiting for the last couple of months- Spring Break!  With all the extras required to make digital learning possible, this year has been particularly trying.  This makes Spring Break that much sweeter.  Of course, I had a list a mile long of all the things that needed to be accomplished over the break.  I'm happy to say every single item was accomplished, and it brought me great satisfaction.  This Sunday, we celebrate Palm Sunday.  This is the moment that we remember when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to celebrate Passover before His death a short time later.  The people of Jerusalem celebrated the realization of prophecies handed down for thousands of years that a "Messiah" (Savior) would finally appear riding a donkey that had never been ridden.   They threw down palm branches at the donkey's feet and shouted, "Hosanna!" Jesus then went to the Jewish temple and threw th

What I Want My Daughters To Know

 This week, my twin daughters celebrated their eighteenth birthday.  This is an especially monumental time because they are not only another year older, but they are also officially adults.  It's really hard because I know that they are going their separate ways after this year.  One will go to college farther away while the other will go to college locally.  Either way, it will never be the same after this year.  Because this is such a special time for them, I wanted to first say how proud I am to be the mother of such exceptional girls.  They are the most caring, loving, and giving women.  I can't tell you how many times one of them has approached me asking if we can help out a friend or classmate in need.   A teacher told me once that if a student needs food, clothes, or anything, they know that they can go to my girls for help.  That makes my heart very happy as a parent.  My daughters have such talent that they freely use for God.  They give of their time, their energy,

How Do I React? (My Dog Peed On My Bed)

  Saturday is my sleep-in day.  Everyone in my family knows this.  So on Saturday, no one slams the front door.  Everyone walks down the stairs on soft feet, and all questions and needs wait until after 7:30 am.  Scientifically, I know that sleeping in for one day will not make much difference on your recovery from the week before; but, for whatever reason, it feels like it makes a difference.  This leads me to this Saturday.  I was sleeping comfortably in bed when I had to use the restroom.  Hey, if you have had children or are over the age of 40, you will agree that it happens to you.  A bladder can only take so much torment.  I got up and took care of business quickly intending to crawl right back into my toasty bed and another couple hours of sleep.  That is until I walked into my room only to see my large dog standing up under the covers on the bed next to my husband.  I heard a strange sound- water running.  It was raining outside, but I knew it shouldn't be raining inside

Is Your Pantry Empty?

One of the hardest things to do is trying to figure out what to cook for dinner or lunch.  I can't tell you how many times I've stood in front of the pantry at a loss of what I can miraculously throw together from the crazy mix of canned goods in my pantry.  It is much easier to cook when I've planned a menu and made sure that my pantry has all the ingredients needed to cook.  Today, we had a missionary visit and speak about II Kings 4:1-7 .  A widow woman is at the end of her rope.  She is so much in debt that the creditors are threatening to take her sons into slavery.  People, that is way worse then repossessing a car!  She asks the prophet, Elisha, for help.  He asks her a simple question.  " What's in your house? "  She replied that all she has left is a jar of oil.  He then tells her to go to her neighbors and borrow as many jars as she can from them.  Then, shut herself into her home and begin pouring the oil from the one jar into all the empty jars un