How Does Palm Sunday Relate To Us Today?

For teachers everywhere, this last week has been the moment we've been awaiting for the last couple of months- Spring Break! With all the extras required to make digital learning possible, this year has been particularly trying. This makes Spring Break that much sweeter. Of course, I had a list a mile long of all the things that needed to be accomplished over the break. I'm happy to say every single item was accomplished, and it brought me great satisfaction. This Sunday, we celebrate Palm Sunday. This is the moment that we remember when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to celebrate Passover before His death a short time later. The people of Jerusalem celebrated the realization of prophecies handed down for thousands of years that a "Messiah" (Savior) would finally appear riding a donkey that had never been ridden. They threw down palm branches at the donkey's feet and shouted, "Hosanna!" Jesus then went to the Jewish temple ...