The Progression of Arguments in Marriage (Celebrating 24 years)

My husband and I are entering into our 24th year of marriage! In today's society, that's a long time. During this time, I've learned a lot. One thing I have noticed is that arguments between a newlywed couple and a couple married a long time are not the same. Newlyweds - " I love you more. No, I love you more. " This could go on forever, or at least until the end of the honeymoon. My honeymoon period ended a little earlier when I threw the tennis racket at my husband's head when he beat me in a game of tennis. He hasn't played tennis with me since. What can I say? The ball was in. After a year or two, the arguments evolve. You are now adjusting your life to allow another person's ideas and ways of thinking into your life. I remember getting into an argument our first year of marriage over the way he cooked a hamburger- which was wrong! I stood in shock as I watched him add 2 inches of wat...