
Showing posts from July, 2021

The Progression of Arguments in Marriage (Celebrating 24 years)

  My husband and I are entering into our 24th year of marriage!  In today's society, that's a long time.  During this time, I've learned a lot.  One thing I have noticed is that arguments between a newlywed couple and a couple married a long time are not the same.  Newlyweds - " I love you more.  No, I love you more. "  This could go on forever, or at least until the end of the honeymoon.  My honeymoon period ended a little earlier when I threw the tennis racket at my husband's head when he beat me in a game of tennis.  He hasn't played tennis with me since.   What can I say?  The ball was in.  After a year or two, the arguments evolve.  You are now adjusting your life to allow another person's ideas and ways of thinking into your life.  I remember getting into an argument our first year of marriage over the way he cooked a hamburger- which was wrong!  I stood in shock as I watched him add 2 inches of water to the hamburger patties in the pan.  I ha

Strolling Through a Coffee House With a Goose

My daughter says I'm weird.  I know that everyone says that their kids say they are weird, but this is a little different.  I've actually had people say that they wish my family would open a YouTube channel and film our family because it would be so entertaining.  Let me interject that my husband and I are pastors and teachers.   We have done some pretty weird things to help people from age 3 years old to 80 years old learn.  I've done everything from dressing as a Disney princess and delivering food baskets door-to-door to clog-dancing as an 80 year old woman in a jean jumpsuit.  Kyle and I have even attended a wedding as a medieval king and queen (per the bride's request).  Come on!  I would never show up at someone's wedding as a queen for kicks- maybe?  So the latest experience should come as no surprise to those who know me.  My husband is a science teacher and is moving into a new room at his high school.  He loves to bring science to life for his students

3 Years Since Brain Surgery

This week has been exciting for Megan.  Many of you have followed Megan's journey of healing from epilepsy.  Kyle and I have seen God do amazing miracles throughout our years of ministry, so we knew that healing was possible for Megan. The question wasn't if, but when and how.  From second grade on, our prayers petitioned heaven.  There were times where all we could do was stand on God's promise.  Three years ago we came to one of the hardest decisions a parent could make.  Medicines were not working, and the question was whether or not we would go with brain surgery. Removing a section of my daughter's brain seemed horrifying.  What if she died, became comatose, or blind? So I asked Megan what she wanted. She responded in one of the most mature ways I've ever seen.  She said that she believed God would take care of her.  She told me that if she died, she knew where she was going and trusted God enough to work everything out the way He needed.   How could I say n

One Last Time...Three Things College Students Should Know

Today was a little emotional for me.  My oldest son was visiting for the weekend, and I knew that it will be a while before he is able to visit again.  I also knew that there is a possibility that my daughter will be at college the next time he visits.  So in honor of all of us being together, I had my family perform a song for church- kind of a last hurrah before the kids scatter.  We performed My Jesus by Anne Wilson.  I held it together during the song, but it got me thinking about what I would like them to know as they face their future.   So here goes... 1) You may find happiness in stuff, but not joy.  Happiness is an emotional experience that can be affected by whatever is going on around you.  If I get a yummy, buttery cookie, I'm happy.  If my dog licks all the frosting off of my cookie, I may drop from elation to despair (seriously, watch your cookies around my dog).  Joy is a state of mind that says, "no matter what happens around me, I am thankful for what I