
Showing posts from March, 2022

Do You Suffer From FoMO (Fear of Missing Out)?

Yes, this is a syndrome that came into existence around 2004? Basically, you are so afraid you are going to miss out on something that you find yourself enslaved to social media . Yesterday, my husband and I attended a Tim Hawkins concert. For those who've never heard of him, he is a Christian comedian. We drove a couple of hours for a special date night. When we got there (an hour before you could enter), I watched my husband live out that  insurance company that says, "we can't keep you from becoming your parents." You know the one. Before we ever entered the building, my husband was trying to find the perfect parking spot to make a quick exit when it was over. When the set began, he mentioned aging. Remember B.G. ( Before Google)? Tim mentioned that before Google, if you didn't know something, you just didn't know it. And that was okay because we were all stupid together. Today, we are so accustomed to having so much information at the touch of a screen tha

Trapped-My Dog Fell Through My Living Room Floor

  As you can see, construction has continued on my living room and kitchen. All the floor joists are being replaced, so it's left my house with a tricky floor plan.  Thursday night, we were told to clear all the furniture out of the living room because demolition was to start the next day. Kyle and I tugged and pushed until all that was left was some random holes in the floor where concrete pillars were poured for a firmer foundation. My dog has become accustomed to one really large hole connecting the living room to the kitchen with sheetrock covering it. He created a new path under caution tape and over the sheetrock. What he hadn't realized was that there was a large new hole on the far wall of my living room covered only in black sheet plastic. We were resting on our front step when we heard a crinkle of plastic and a loud thump. We rushed in realizing our large dog was missing. We could only hear an occasional thump under the existing floor. My daughter put her head thro

Five More Minutes- Time Change Troubles

Today marked the day I both dread and wait for on bated breath- moving the clock forward an hour. I dread loosing an hour of sleep, but as a teacher, it marks an important milestone. Spring break comes a week later, soon to be followed by summer. I know the time change is coming, but I still always fail to properly prepare. Last night, I had good intentions; however, time got away from me and I found myself folding laundry and washing dishes, not at 10pm, but at the new time of 11pm. I woke up like a zombie crying out to my unyielding alarm clock for five more minutes. It reminded me of my older brother when he was a teenager. I was at his mercy and promptness for a ride to school. at the time, both were in short supply. I would wake him up only to hear the dreaded words, "five more minutes." This would continue until we were late. The nerd in me dreaded facing the secretary for a tardy slip. My brother, however, was the master magician of escaping tardy slips. He would talk

Under Construction- A Money Pit or a Work in Progress

This has been the craziest two weeks. As many of you know, my husband spent a few days in the hospital due to pancreatitis . He is doing much better. A new diet and prayers have done wonders! What you may not know is that during all of this, our house is being ripped to pieces! I'm talking no floors, missing ceilings, and holes in the walls. It all started with a leak in an upstairs bathroom. What we didn't realize was that when we paid for repairs two years ago, the company that dried it didn't fully dry it. Two years later, floor joists must be replaced, a wall is coming down to take weight off of beams, and other construction things are happening that I don't fully understand. Our contractor said the movie, Money Pit , comes to mind. As he pulled down a wall, he discovered 2 x4's holding up a second floor and wiring that wasn't done correctly. I told my husband that Jesus was a carpenter, so He's the only one who can make a beauty out of this mess! Th