Do You Suffer From FoMO (Fear of Missing Out)?

Yes, this is a syndrome that came into existence around 2004? Basically, you are so afraid you are going to miss out on something that you find yourself enslaved to social media . Yesterday, my husband and I attended a Tim Hawkins concert. For those who've never heard of him, he is a Christian comedian. We drove a couple of hours for a special date night. When we got there (an hour before you could enter), I watched my husband live out that insurance company that says, "we can't keep you from becoming your parents." You know the one. Before we ever entered the building, my husband was trying to find the perfect parking spot to make a quick exit when it was over. When the set began, he mentioned aging. Remember B.G. ( Before Google)? Tim mentioned that before Google, if you didn't know something, you just didn't know it. And that was okay because we were all stupid together. Today, we are so accustomed to having so much information at the touch of a screen tha...