Hurry Up and Wait

Okay, you may remember past posts I've written about patience. We are so accustomed to fast that we struggle when something isn't instantaneous. The gas pumps are a good example. How many of you find yourself tapping your foot and grumbling when you've prepaid your gas and the final twenty cents tick by one second at a time. I've even contemplated leaving the last few cents unused. I know I'm not the only one! As my daughter and I were washing our hands in Walmart. It all began with trying to find a workable bathroom. The first was being cleaned, so we quickly strode to the back of the store. It's allergy season so I was praying that I not sneeze on the way. My older ladies know what I'm saying! When we had finished our business, we tried to wash our hands at the automatic faucets. Have you noticed the new "saving water" faucets. I'm all about saving water, but these new faucets squirt out two seconds of water at a time. You find yourself fr...