
Showing posts from July, 2023

Syphoned Gas

  I need to preface this blog with admitting this is one of the stupid things I've done, but you've got to learn to laugh at your mistakes, so here goes. I had a training early this week for work, so a colleague and I drove down in my car. We ate dinner, stopped at a store to browse, and decided to check into our hotel for the evening. Upon arriving, I glanced at my gas gauge noticing over half a tank of gas. I wouldn't need to refill until I got home. As we exited my car, I saw a sign posted by the car stating the hotel was not responsible for what happens to your car. We also glanced at a sign showing that the parking was $10. I did not want to pay for parking, so I told my coworker I would check in and then come back to move my car. We checked in and went to our rooms after a card mix-up and the worker forgetting to give me the card key in our card packet. I quickly walked to my car and started it only to find my gas gauge reading empty . I had only been parked for 15 mi

My Dad's Heart Surgery

  First of all, I want to thank everyone who has been praying for my father. Some of you may not know that last week, he underwent heart surgery. He had a major artery cleared a month ago, but a big valve replacement was needed. One doctor said open heart surgery, but another said that a valve replacement through the artery would be better and easier for his body. We prayed for wisdom and felt peace with the doctor who said a valve replacement through the artery. My husband, brother, sister-in-law, and I loaded up and took him for surgery. Of course, we knew that prayers had gone up, and the surgeon was skilled. After all, he performed eight of these surgeries in one day. However, there was still that worry. Then there was the moment where we had to not only trust in the skills of the surgeon, but also the faithfulness of God. My father came through the surgery successfully after only an hour. He has a working valve from a cow! Holy cow! Tonight at our small group, we were discussing w

A Car Ride and a Crime Scene

 There is a unique thing my family enjoys doing- going on a car ride. This started when my children were young. Having four children under the age of five made it rather difficult to get babysitters. Those that were willing to take on that endeavor wanted a lot of money to do it. Because of this,we had to get creative if we wanted to go on a date. This, the car ride started. We would drive around until everyone fell asleep, then we would go through a drive-through and then take turns going into stores. Once my kids were old enough to stay alone, my husband laughed at me when I said I would wait, and he could go in first. After so many years of doing the car ride, it became a habit. So much so that we started doing them as a family for fun. We would see a dirt road and take off. We even extended the road trip to vacations. On a Florida vacation, we took off on a road trip outside of Orlando that had us in a country road in the middle of nowhere. We were able to buy some warm questionab

Murder Mystery and Your Identity

  Tonight, we did a murder mystery party for the young adults in my church. You know that I jump at any chance to get in a costume and act a little so I was very excited. The mystery took place on an airline flight, so we transformed our church into a small airplane with double rows, a big aisle, and even a beverage cart. Part of the players were flight attendants that actually had to serve drinks and food. I got to be the head flight attendant and host of the flight. We had a big array of crazy characters with a 1980's theme. Overall, it was a blast. It got me thinking. This day and age, people struggle with their identity. Just like the players reading who they were supposed to be and how they were supposed to act, so many are trying to discover their true self by acting out social media or what Hollywood tells them to be . They're left feeling like they are playing a part, but unable to find fulfillment and peace. God made you and knew who you were, what He wanted you to d

Out With a Bang

  My church hosted a potluck fireworks show tonight. If you've never seen one, everyone brings potluck food and people chip in by bringing a big firework to put in our show. If you know my husband at all, then you know he is always in the middle of the show. When we were first married, we helped out at a Royal Ranger camp in Louisiana (kind of like Boy Scouts with our denomination). Five hundred young men and boys gathered to worship God and then watch this amazing fireworks show right off the pond on the campground. In the middle of the pond was a peninsula where they would launch the fireworks. My husband and I had recruited a band, so we performed by the water. Afterwards, my husband volunteered his service along with another guy in the band to launch the fireworks. Everything was very professional and going great until one large firework fell on its side. Blasts of sparkles rained down on the guys. We saw only silhouettes of two men diving into the pond. After the mortar attac