
Showing posts from August, 2023

Quieting Out the Noise

  The last few days, our house has entered back into remodel mode.  We had to do a complete remodel about a year ago due to water damage, but everything was put on hold for the last nine months as we waited for our contractor to become available again. A couple of weeks ago, we met a nice young man who agreed to help us finish the floors, so construction began again . As excited as I am to finally get the floors finished, my dog does not share my excitement. With the floors done in one room, my husband and son are painting and hammering in paneling to create an old English study. My dog hates the hammering. I'm guessing that if his paws could insert those Airpods, he would. At one point, I found his head buried under a throw pillow on my couch. Doesn't life feel like that sometimes? The noise of life seems overwhelming. God promised that He would be our strength. I read an article that explained a scripture that is quoted often.  Isaiah 40:31  but   they who wait for the   Lor

Time to Cut the Grass

  One of my pet peeves is having the lawn cut, but the area around the house not getting cut. It's usually just involves getting out the weedeater and taking a few minutes. Over the last couple of cycles of lawn mowing, the weeds around my front step have grown. It's hot and using a weedeater is even hotter than using a riding mower so I've stayed quiet until I noticed the weeds were overtaking the steps. I'm talking to my shins, folks. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went in search of my little electric weedeater. When I bought this, the men in my family laughed for a solid ten minutes about how ridiculous it was. It was compared to a child's toy or a baby weedeater that hoped to be a real weedeater when it grew up. I let them laugh. It was lightweight and easy to use. As I looked at my weedy front step and knew I could knock it out in minutes. That would have been the case if I could have found my weedeater. I searched through the garage where it had been f

Been Hacked?

  Some of you may have noticed a strange friend request that was sent out to my friend's on Facebook . I had multiple people reach out to me to let me know that something was wrong . They mentioned that at first, they weren't sure if it was a legit request until the content being posted didn't match up with my character. People noticed it because they have followed me long enough and know me well enough to know I would never post that content. And, yes, that account was reported. Later, my daughter opened a small credit card. She is very conservative with this, so she hadn't even charged anything before she received a message from her bank telling her they thought her credit card had been hacked. She called the number on the back of the card and was asked if she lived in Australia or had traveled there. She notified them that she had not and they put a hold on the card until she could get it settled. The bank recognized the purchase and location did not match up with wh

Twenty-six Years and Counting

  This is the twenty-sixth year of being married to my funny, sweet husband. If you read the blog last week, my husband literally rode to my rescue to make sure I was not stranded five hours away. Even though it ended up not being necessary, he still loaded up my car and me just to spend time with me. Over the years, I've watched the world's idea of marriage. A comedian from India commented that celebrating 25 years of marriage was no big deal. Everyone there  was married a long time, while in America, it's a big deal if you stick it out for a few years. I think the problem with longevity in marriage is the warped view of how marriage should look. Social media shows the best highlights of life. If you're honest, no one wants to post themselves on their worst day- the meal that they burnt to a crisp or a selfie with no makeup and crazy hair. People choose to show the best. The problem with this is that you find yourself comparing your life to the highlight reels of eve